Why I Like Feedly

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I was a Google Reader user until they ditched the product in July 2013. I switched to NewsBlur and stuck with them until my Pro subscription was up earlier this year. NewsBlur has a great free account and for only $24/year you can upgrade to Pro. Then, I tried Feedly. I liked the interface on the web and found it a much more pleasing experience on my iPad.

Feedly Features I like

Here’s a quick rundown on why I chose to pay more per year:

  • OPML back up to Dropbox. Every time I make changes to what I read, I get an updated list synched to my Dropbox account
  • I can quickly save article notes to my Evernote account
  • One-click save to Pocket
  • One-click publish to Buffer

I looked at a few others… Reeder,  Outlook (yeah, I know… no snide comments!), etc. What have you tried and what do you currently use?