Make Time for Writing

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Hands typing on computer

As a small business owner, most of my “spare time” is spent on housework, family time, and catching up on work. I seldom take time out for myself. One of the reasons that this image speaks to me as it reminds me to make time for writing.

I love to write! I’m not sure if it will ever lead to anything, but it makes me happy! I alternate between using a paper journal and an electronic journal – never sure which one will grab my attention for the day.

Lately, I’ve been trying to get up a bit earlier and spend time writing or mindmapping writing topics. There are some days that this works out, other days I simply jump into work tasks.

I got my first Mac Book about 3 years ago and read that I “needed” Scrivener to pursue my writing on a higher scale. So, I bought it and installed it and haven’t used it until this past week. I set aside enough time to watch a 90-minute webinar on Scrivener. I was very impressed with how powerful a tool it can be! So, that’s my next adventure!

2018 Update

I’ve managed to up my content writing on 2 sites! I am adding one article per week here and on my company’s site. One of this year’s articles again stressed the importance of making time for writing. To me, writing is similar to piano lessons. If you want to be proficient, then you must practice regularly.

As the year progresses, you’ll see me updating many of my previous articles – like this one. I want to make sure that I close the loop on any unanswered questions plus provide additional insights.


Photo courtesy of Damian Zaleski