No regrets!

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I’ve been reading a lot of articles that people are publishing on LinkedIN. This one caught my attention this evening: “This Study Reveals The 5 Biggest Regrets People Have Before They Die.” Here is the list:

  1. Pursue your dreams and aspirations
  2. Don’t work so hard
  3. Have the courage to speak your mind and express your feelings
  4. Stay in touch with your friends
  5. Let yourself be happier

Here are my responses…

Pursue your dreams and aspirations

I have a degree in chemistry and spent about 16 some years working in the field. I really didn’t get that much satisfaction and because I gravitated towards biotech start-ups, job security was always in question. So, I went back to school and got my MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) certificate. I started my first IT job in mid 1999 with a major corporation. It was a good job, but wasn’t my true dream.

When I was laid off in 2010, I started using my skills and knowledge to help others with technology. Bam! That made me happy to be helping others grow their business. Then my business started growing. My dream is to keep it going then hand it off to the next generation!

Don’t work so hard

I was raised with a strong work ethic. Here it is 9:22PM and I’m working on a couple of side projects just to get ahead because I’m travelling tomorrow. In the past month, I have been avoiding weekend work as much as possible and trying to spend time on crafting. Lately I’ve been on a deep housecleaning spree just so tidying up doesn’t become too overwhelming.

I am starting to recognize some benefits! I have had more time to try more recipes – my husband is a willing participant! And, I’ve been intentionally working from home at least 2 days/week.

I think a lot about not working so hard is being organized and to fight procrastination (a/k/a chasing squirrels) – more on that later!

Have the courage to speak your mind and express your feelings

Sometimes I keep my mouth shut when every fiber of my inner being is straining to scream. Most of the time it’s out of fear. Fear that my viewpoint will be ostracized. Fear that I will offend someone. Fear of pissing off an employer. So, it’s just easier to shut up and walk away.

I do have a few close confidants that I can be brutally honest with when discussing numerous topics. I think that this particular area is one that is prompting me to rejuvenate my writing.

Stay in touch with your friends

Facebook can be a good place to stay in touch. But lately it has become so toxic that I avoid it more often than not. If you follow me on there, you’ll see more pictures of my cat, crafts, etc. I’ve had friends completely drop off because of the toxicity. I may start to spend more time on Google+.

I’ve noticed that people don’t write letters to each other any more. I’m probably old school when it comes to that. I’m going to try and write at least one letter a month this year – hopefully they will be returned!

Let yourself be happier

What is happiness to you? I had a lunch discussion with a friend today and we both decided that it’s not the toys or the things… it’s the people in our lives that make us happy.

There is so much drama in the world today. It can be very depressing to watch the news, read what people are going through on Facebook, etc. What I keep telling myself is that I’ve read the end of the Book. I know what’s going to happen and I have to keep my eyes focused on the eternal goal!

My Encouragement for You

It’s quite simple… don’t have any regrets!