Pay Attention!

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I just finished reading PAY ATTENTION!: How to Listen, Respond, and Profit From Customer Feedback written by Ann Thomas and Jill Applegate. Every business owner and manager should pick up a copy and read this! Social media has made such an impact in how we handle customer feedback.

According to the authors, “Negative service experiences spread like wildfire, even without technology. When we feel disrespected, talked down to, treated like a number, or just plain poorly served by an organization, we’re eager to share that experience with friends, work colleagues, relatives, and anyone who will lend an ear. The sharing carries a warning: Steer clear of the offending company.” Sound familiar?

For me personally, I’ve tweeted both positive and negative comments about experiences. When I was having issues with dropped calls, I tweeted about it and in less than 20 minutes someone from my carrier responded directly and helped fixed the issue.

I know of companies that call in the lawyers and start a witch hunt for the originator whenever something negative is posted online. Talk about fueling a fire!

While you can’t control what people say about your company on social networks and such, you can effectively manage your online reputation. The key is to harness all aspects of the conversation – both positive and negative – and be an active listener not just an after-the-fact reactor.

I give this book 4/5. What are your thoughts?