My Office

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My Office View
My Office View

Today is a beautiful gift from God! I’m working on a set of wireframes for a new client and am truly enjoying myself!

We turned off all but one geothermal unit yesterday and opened the windows. We left one on so we could make keep the hot water tank pre-heated.

I thought I’d share some pictures with you. Hope you enjoy them! And, if you’re in the area – stop by! There’s an extra desk in our office and we have Wi-Fi throughout the property.

John’s been working hard these past couple of weeks since the weather turned nice. Hopefully, we’ll have grass where they graded the hill after building last fall.

My Breakroom
My Breakroom

Yes, that’s “my breakroom!” It’s about 70-F out there right now with a slight breeze blowing. In the late afternoon, our back covered porch will be in the shade.

Once I’ve finished de-cluttering the inside office and getting things organized and put away, I’ll post those pictures!