The Rules of Work

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[box] THE RULES OF WORK: A Definitive Code for Personal Success Expanded Edition Richard Templar Published by FT Press ISBN: 9780137072064[/box]

Every aspect of life has a set of rules and the workplace is no different. Instead of thinking that these “rules” set restrictive boundaries, the author wants you to learn how to get more out of your skills and talents. This book doesn’t really tell us anything we do not know, rather it explains how we should follow these guidelines to be more successful in life.

Having a plan and knowing the people who count in your workplace are key to your success. Richard Templar goes through ten rules and presents guidelines on how to execute. Some of these rules include:

  • ‘Learn to Ask Why’ – there is a right way and a wrong way!
  • ‘Never Stand Still’ – especially in this economy!
  • ‘Volunteer Carefully’ – ask “why” this person is asking for volunteers.
This was a rather quick read and present solid ideas on how to take what we already know and use it to our benefit. If you’re at the library or your favorite bookstore, pick up a copy of The Rules of Work, Expanded Edition: A Definitive Code for Personal Success (Richard Templar’s Rules) today.

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