Keep On Writing!

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Keep on Writing

I wrote my first post on this site three months after I married. In 8 years since then, I’ve added 34 articles – about 4 per year if you want to do the math. Before that, I had accounts on and Blogger. They seemed like an online diary, and that’s not what I wanted to accomplish. Writing is a passion of mine that I want to continue to pursue.

Why I Write

When I decided to keep both a personal blog and a company blog, my reasoning was that I wanted to share my experiences and not just my personal rants. Heidi Cohen has a great article entitled “Why Have A Personal Blog?” I encourage you to check it out.

I have many different hobbies that pursue: needlework, crochet, working on stained glass with my husband, dabbling in watercolor, and writing. It’s the writing that I want to focus upon in the short term.

You Should Write Too

If you don’t have a personal blog to exercise your writing muse, I suggest that you consider starting one. There are many free options available that don’t require a tremendous amount of techno-savvy. WordPress has a free option – and you don’t even need a domain name (Although I highly recommend it for personal branding). Google’s Blogger is also free.