One Positive Thought

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One Positive Thought

Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

“One Positive Thought Can Change Your Day”

That’s the quote caught my attention when I was browsing through the ephemera on my iPad at breakfast this morning. Then, I clicked through to open up today’s devotional from the Our Daily Bread app. The scripture reference was from Proverbs 15:1

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1 New International Version.

If someone is having a bad day, then they may lash out in anger towards you. How you respond will make all the difference in the world. One positive thought from you in response can change their mood in an instant.

Positive Thoughts Are Healthier

Did you know that there is an indisputable link between your wellbeing and your outlook on life? Both the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins have reported on this aspect of mental health. There are people in my circle who get out of bed every single day with a negative outlook on life. That negativity takes its toll on how you approach the rest of your day. I don’t know about you, but I try to avoid negative people in my life. When I can’t, I try to reflect positivity and optimism in my voice – even if I’m irritated.

But Jyll, 2020 Sucked

I agree. But there were so many amazing stories and experiences to inspire you. Neighbors came together to check on one another. People shopped for those who couldn’t get out. Parents were more involved in schooling. People supported small businesses when they could. 

Maintaining Positive Thoughts

It’s hard sometimes. Some people thrive on constant negativity. Others always verbalize doom and gloom. Here is what gets me through every day.


I’m grateful that I’m a child of God. I make it a practice to pray often through the day. Even when I’m facing a challenging programming task. Being God-centered keeps me from being Jyll-centered. I’m constantly thanking God for my wonderful husband, all of our family members, and our friends.


If I’m not streaming Amazon Music, I’m humming something or singing to the cat. Music soothes my soul. My tastes range from 70s rock to classical music. One of my favorite things about the Amazon Music app is that it collects all the songs that I have favorited throughout the years and puts them on a channel called “My Station.”


Letting my creative side out is a rather new thing for me. I have found that having regular art sessions over Zoom with a dear friend has improved my life and mental attitude. My exploration with watercolor started back in 2018. 

Creative writing is also an escape hatch for me. I try to take part in NaNoWriMo each year. I’m a member of The 540 Club, whose goal is to write 540 words each day. After 185 days, you’ll have a 100,000-word draft of your work!

Ending Thoughts

Before you let an angry word slip out of your mouth, pause and consider the impact that your anger will have not only on yourself but on those around you. Instead of letting a constant litany of complaints ruin your day, think about something you are grateful for. Remember the song from Mary Poppins, “A Spoon Full of Sugar?” It’s true!

Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.